Why should you build a career as a PT

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You may not find the job option of PT- Physical Therapy full of roses and sunshine, but you will find it a quality job or career. This can be a great and holistic approach to overall health and is quite beneficial for different reasons, for example, pain management, injury, increasing mobility, and more. Besides, the demand for professional PTs is increasing at a faster rate. Most nursing homes and candidates are taking the help of a professional PT staffing company in New York.

Why should you build a career as a PT? To become a PT, you need a degree in Doctor of Physical Therapy. In general, DPT programs are about 36 months, along with a standard undergrad degree, around 4 years. If you consider all these things, it will take around seven years to complete the program. Don’t think that the road is long, but it’s so worth it.

Speaking more about it, physical therapists also have a great opportunity to get specialty certifications.  You can cover some major areas are:

  1. Geriatrics
  2. Pediatrics
  3. Neurology
  4. Cardiovascular
  5. Pulmonary
  6. Orthopedics
  7. Clinical electrophysiology and more.

Some major reasons to choose this career

  1. Great package

As per different sources, the Physical Therapist’s average salary is around USD 82 560, and the range can remain between $76,050-$89, 600. As a professional physical therapist, your major driving factor is your willingness and empathy to take good care of the patients. That means you shouldn’t consider the paycheck as the most important factor. However, the salary is good. You can still live a comfortable lifestyle. So, take help of a PT staffing company in New York to get a perfect job.

  • Great work-life balance

Based on the type of work environment you are working under, you would be able to fix a time table for yourself for flexibility.  You will enjoy a great balance between personal life and work life. Most healthcare professionals do not get the required time and facilities to enjoy their life.

While working as PT, you are free to choose your practice, fix your working hours as well as break times. Besides, if you are interested in earning a better salary, you can also choose to work during the weekends.  This type of benefit may look minor, but it is quite important for your well-being as this will help you prevent burnout.

  • You will get to learn different techniques

As a professional physical therapist, you will gradually become well-versed in a variety of techniques. For example, how to apply pressure along with temperatures to the muscles and joints. The body moves in various ways, and one can face different types of physical injuries. A professional PT is knowledgeable and keeps himself updated with the latest therapy practices. Besides, while working, you will also get a chance to use different equipment to offer a different therapy form.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity and get in touch with a PT staffing company in New York to find the best PT Job.

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