How to Become a Registered Occupational Therapist

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How to Become a Registered Occupational Therapist?


If you have decided to become a registered occupational therapist, you will first have to know how to become a registered occupational therapistThis article will help you understand what you need to study, what degree and certification will be required, how to find a program that will assist you in becoming a registered occupational therapist, finally, the requirements you will have to fulfill to get your license.


The first step to becoming a ROT is getting graduate. You should do an educational program, which is accredited and from a recognized educational institute. You will also need a master’s degree in the relevant field. After that, you will have to complete the recommended fieldwork requirements, clear the certification exam, and finally apply for the licensure to become a full-fledged registered occupational therapist.

Let’s explain each phase clearly:


Complete your graduation


First, you will have to search for a course relevant to occupational therapy. Also, the course has to be accredited. To find which course will be suitable, you will have to do some research. The most reasonable course of doing, however, is a master’s degree in occupational therapy. The course will include lectures and lab classes, field works, and to clear the Master’s degree, you will have to give the exam conducted by the institution. Ensure that you score good marks. Now, not every occupational therapy job will require a master’s degree, but the least that will be required is a bachelor’s degree.


Please be informed that all word-related treatment programs are very similar. Most will have comparable general requirements, notwithstanding. For example, all Master’s in OT projects will expect the candidate to have procured a four-year certification. This college degree doesn’t really should be in a particular field, yet one related somehow or another to word-related treatment is usually a smart thought. Numerous understudies hoping to turn into a word-related advisor have a medical care-related foundation or science background.


The educational plan might fluctuate broadly between foundations, so survey it cautiously prior to applying. Typical curriculum will incorporate utilitarian life structures, clinical and social conditions, wellbeing morals, assistive innovation, research strategies, and grown-up and youngster patient consideration. If you might want to work with a specific patient populace or treat a particular kind of turmoil or handicap, pick a course, which will provide you the capacity to investigate this.


Finish the fieldwork requirements 


Related to your coursework, you’ll be needed to finish hands-on work at your scholarly foundation. Hands-on work in any healthcare facility is imperative to your expert achievement since it’s the place where you will be applying and you’ve understood in the study course about the hands-on situations and gain operational experience. Moreover, to turn into an enrolled word-related advisor, hands-on work is compulsory.


As you apply to scholarly projects, realize what hands-on work openings are accessible. Hands-on work is isolated into two sections: Level I and II. AOTA sets the length and kind of hands-on work needed for all understudies, yet every college decides the necessary hours to finish consolidated Level I and Level II hands-on work.


Your hands-on work might incorporate encounters straightforwardly identified with occupational therapy treatment and different circumstances to show understudies’ formative stages, errands, and jobs of people throughout their life expectancy.


Clear the NBCOT exam 


Once you are done with the first two phases, you will have to appear for the NBCOT exam. Clearing this exam is important because this ensures that you meet the standard requirements to do an occupational therapist job. Do remember that to qualify NBCOT exam, you will have to clear a Master’s degree. There will be an application fee; please pay that and clear it.


Apply for licensure 


After clearing the NBCOT exam, you will have to apply for licensure. To apply for licensure, you will have to pay the licensure fee, and it will be different for different states. Hence, depending on the state you want to work for, you will have to pay accordingly. However, some states will allow you to work as an occupational therapist even if you have a temporary license.


Now you know how to become a registered occupational therapist. To find more information related to an occupational therapist, visit

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